Current as at 7th December 2021 1450
Sword Productions offers you film for your media which covers all social Media eg Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc
Sword Productions Ltd is referred to as the supplier.
- Payment is due on the 7 days from the completed project.
- Payment can be made by Direct debit into
ANZ Account number 06-0921-0103223-00
Account name ‘Sword Productions Ltd’ - To confirm a job (Service) requires a 20% + GST or $250 + GST (For jobs over $1,000 plus GST) deposit (no refund if the job is canceled by 14 days before the event)
Force majeure
In the event of an act of God i.e. Earthquake, Global Pandemic, please contact us as soon as possiable. We will work it out -
The quotes comes with 1 or 2 edit anything more then that requires $150 + GST per day
Overdue Payments
If payment is not received by the Client on the due date a 10% penalty will be charged to the Client on overdue accounts at the end of every month
Failure to pay after the end of the 2nd month another 20% penalty will be charged.
Failure to pay after the end of the third month Sword Productions will be sending the invoice to a Debt collecting agent.
Consumer Guarantee Act of 1993
You are covered by the above act.
Once payment is received in full. The Client will own the complete rights to the video work done.
If you require or the tape or digital material. You can request it for a fee and/ pay for footage of the tapes to be sent to your address.
Also, supplier (Sword Production Ltd) may use the footage for future promotional material.
If you don’t want any of your footage to be used in Promotional footage you need to let Sword Productions know in writing (letter or email) within 10 business days
If forever reason you are not happy please email
Within 10 business days of receiving your final product.
These Terms and Conditions may be updated from time to time, make sure you have our latest version.